This page is where I try to tell myself, from time to time, that I am doing a good job. Perhaps less often than I should... but better late than never :-)
5/1/2023: I will be giving a TULIPS seminar at Utrecht University on January 26th.
12/12/2022: Together with Lee Elkin and Constanze Binder, I am co-organizing an edition of the Dutch Social Choice Colloquium at Erasmus University Rotterdam, on January 20th, 2023. This is the first edition after a long break due to the pandemic.
13/11/2022: Just back from a research stay at the MCMP Munich, as part of my ongoing ENCODE project. It was a great intellectual experience and I can only hope it's the first of many visits. I delivered two talks and also made a short trip to Bayreuth, to visit Olivier Roy and Stefan Napel.
15/10/2022: I just spent four exciting days at the University of Leiden's Lorentz Center, at the workshop on Algorithmic Technology for Democracy. Many thanks to the organizers (Davide Grossi, Ulrike Hahn, Dominik Mäs, and Andreas Nitsche) for making this happen.
22/9/2022: At EIPE, we are celebrating our 25th anniversary tomorrow, with talks by Nancy Cartwright, Johan Eric Gustafsson and Katharina Pistor. To get warmed up (mentally), we have an informal reading group with Johan (who's visit is in part sponsored by my ENCODE project) on one of his draft papers.
28/8/2022: I enjoyed two nice events recently. First, I participated and presented at the Social Logic workshop at the Rifugio Lagazuoi -- by far the coolest place I ever was at for an academic event. Big thanks to Thomas Bolander and Gaia Belardinelli for organizing. Second, I gave a talk at the LAMAS&SR Workshop, which was combined with Advances in Modal Logic in Rennes. Both events inspired me to study deontic game multiplication, as a way to combine deontic games -- more on that later.
1/4/2022: We are now fully staffed, with also Nicolien Janssens joining the ENCODE project as PhD researcher. Nicolien got her PhD at the ILLC and I look forward to supervising and working with her.
1/3/2022: As of today, Lee Elkin will be joining the ENCODE project as a postdoctoral researcher. I'm looking forward to working with Lee and learning from him.
16/11/2021: Together with Erica Yu (EUR), Måns Abrahamson (EUR), and Marina Uzunova (Free University of Amsterdam), I am organizing the third ENCODE workshop in April 20th-22nd, entitled "Formal Models of Democracy". This will be a social choice & political theory variant of the well-known PhDs in Logic series, featuring presentations by graduate students and two tutorials: by Hélène Landemore (Yale University) and Ulle Endriss (University of Amsterdam).
13/11/2021: my paper with Hein Duijf entitled "The Problem of No Hands: Responsibility Voids in Collective Decisions" was published (online) in Social Choice & Welfare. I presented this paper at several online seminars: the ILIAS seminar (Luxemburg), the LIRA seminar (Amsterdam), and the Logic & Epistemology Colloquium (Bochum).